Introduction to Cirrus PMS

First we should enter basic information which is important to register projects through the system. This is a one-time job and you can use these details for all projects that are registered to the system.

1.1 Add Project Types

Master Details -> Project Type -> Click “Add” button

Project Types such as building, roads, bridges, MEP etc. should be registered from this module to get to the project type dropdown in project module. Click “Add” button once entered.

1.2 Define Company Name

Configuration -> System Configurations
Click “Update” button as displayed in below image where “Configuration Name” is “Company Name”

Edit the configuration value field and click “Save”

1.3 Apply Border and Menu Color

Configuration -> System Configurations

Click on the text box under ‘Configuration Value’ field and a color palette will be loaded. Use the plus button to move between primary colors and drag the rectangular box on the right side of the palette up or down to get a lighter/darker version of the selected color. Once color is selected, click ‘Save’

1.4 Register VAT Percentage & VAT Registration No.

Configuration -> System Configurations

You can set the VAT Rate and VAT Registration Number from this module. Use ‘Update’ function to update the data as necessary

1.5 Register Base Currency of the Company

Configuration -> System Configurations
Choose Configuration Name ‘Currency’ and click ‘Update’ button.
Select the base/default currency which is used to evaluate the overall performance of the company from the field ‘Configuration value’.

Note: You can set currencies related to projects through projects module which will be explained in section 2

1.6 Create Departments/Org. Level Structure

Master Details -> Org. Level Structure

Main node will represent the company name Right click on the main node to define sublevels from the system. Once you click ‘Create’ button a new node will be created under the main node

You can rename them and create new nodes as necessary under any node you create as in below image

Once all sublevels are created, they can be used to allocate the project to a certain department

1.7 Create Store Locations

Master Details -> Store Location -> Click “Add” button

  • Name the store and select the store type (Main Store or Sub Store)
  • Select the storekeeper, use the plus button to add multiple store keepers to the store [Usernames added to the system will be loaded to be selected as store keepers]
  • District – Select the district where the store is located
  • Address – Enter the address of the store

Click “Add” once these details are entered.
Note: Use field “Status” to update set the store status to “Inactive” when the store is no longer active
Important: Use the search option before entering new data to check whether the data is already available in the system.

1.8 Register Districts

Home -> Master Details -> Districts -> Click “Add” button
Enter the district name and click “Add” button.

1.9 Add Unit Types

Before registering units to the system, we should define unit types and standard unit for each unit type.
Home -> Master Details -> Unit Type -> Click “Add” button

Ex: For Unit Type “Length”, standard Unit is “Meters”
Note: Basic units are registered to the system by default, therefore check for available units and add only if certain unit isn’t yet available in the system.

1.10 Add New Unit

Home -> Master Details -> Units -> Click “Add” button

Important: When registering a unit we need to apply unit conversion, which implies how much of a given unit is equal to 1 quantity of standard Unit.

1.11a Register Material Types

Home -> Master Details -> Material Type -> Click “Add” button

Enter the material type name and code for the material type. This code will be used to auto generate material codes when required

1.11b Register Materials

Home -> Master Details -> Material -> Click “Add” button
Select the material type & unit correctly. Cost code is the material code.

Note: You can use the option ‘Auto generated code’ for instances where you need the code to generate from the system itself.Based on the material type, system will generate an auto generated code in such cases.

1.12 Replace and change duplicate materials

Home -> Master Details -> Material -> Click “Replace Materials” button

This module can be used to replace or change material names if required. Once you search the material name, items which contain the selected material will be displayed module wise in the tab below the interface

Select the name which should be replaced (This name should be registered as a material in the system) and click “Submit” button.

Two options are available for replacement.

  • Replace Only - Will replace the material name but the previous name will be available in the master data
  • Replace & Delete - Material name will be replaced and it will be deleted from master data

Important: Current material and replacing material should contain same units for this purpose.

1.13 Register Stock Adjustment Types

Set the Transaction Type and enter stock adjustment type. These types can be used in ‘stock OB/Adjustment’ module

1.14 Register Labors

Laborers should be registered and rates should be defined
Home -> Master Details -> Labour Rate -> Click “Add” button

Enter the Labour type name in “Name/Work description” field
Select the unit which is used to pay for the labour type & enter the rate

1.15 Register Machine Types

Prior to registration of machines, machine types should be registered.
Home -> Master Details -> Machine Type -> Click “Add” button

An average rate can be defined for a machine type.

1.16 Register Vendors

To subcontract BOQ’s, labors, and machines we should register vendors (subcontractors/suppliers) to the system.
Home -> Procurement -> Vendor Registry

In cases where a vendor works in multiple roles (Ex: Subcontractor & Supplier), multiple Types of Supply can be added to a vendor using the Green colored plus button.

NBT% varies on supplier and if charges apply, you can add the NBT% value

If option ‘VAT Registered’ is selected, VAT% will be added to the charges (VAT% taken as a master data) and you should define whether it applies to Transport as well with the VAT Registration Number in such instances

An average rate can be defined for a machine type.

1.17 Machine Registry

Home -> Master Details -> Machine -> Click “Add” button
While registering a vehicle/machine, select the subcontractor from field “Machine Supplier” if it’s subcontracted.
There are four machine categories in the system which is machinery, tools, plants and vehicles.

Note: For category “vehicles”, 3 fields will appear to define rate per hour/per quantity & per km. For other categories a general rate can be defined.

1.18 Register Other Types

Add other types which are important to measure project cost. Handling charges, rent, transport etc.
Home -> Master Details -> Other Cost Types in BOQ Items -> Click “Add” button

1.19 Create SRT

SRT [Structure Rate Template] is a unique term used in PMS as an alternative to both BSR [Building Structure Rate] & HSR [Highway Structure Rate]

SRT defines the labour, machine and material allocation for completion of a certain unit
Before creating a SRT, we should define SRT Categories such as Earth work, Brick work etc.

Home -> Master Details -> SRT Category -> Click “Add” button

Enter the category name and click “Create”. Once SRT categories are defined, we can create SRT’s
Home -> Master Details -> SRT -> Click “Add” button

Add required labor, machinery, material etc. for a certain SRT from this module.
Select SRT Category (These are defined under “SRT Category” module in Master Details) and then enter other details as necessary.

Important: Labors & Machines from subcontractors should not be included to the SRT.

Note: Click green colored plus button to add records for a certain category, and click red delete button to remove record for a certain category.

Tip: If you have entered few SRT items to the system and you need to take labor, machinery, and material details of an already existing SRT, use option “Multiple BSR”, enter the quantity & click “Apply” button.

Why Choose Cirrus?

Cirrus PMS stands out by offering real-time collaboration, intuitive task management, and seamless integration with your existing workflows.